14-15 Goal #1: Revamp AP Statistics eBook

I blogged a few days previously about my goals and promised (myself, that is…) that I would blog about each in the coming days and weeks.

I’m a participant in a grassroots effort to produce open source ebooks called ibookhack.org. Some really cool, passionate, techy folks making books. I’ve been creating eBooks for about three years now, but I learned so much from @anthonydilaura and @falconphysics (Steve Dickey) this summer, that I was motivated to include my new learning in some books I’ve already created. I especially increased interactivity using the pop-over widget. Here are some pictures.

Pic 1

Before: Quiz, Geogebra Interactive, Popover

pic 2 interactive

Quiz question being answered and popover revealing information









This ebook also features interactive keynotes using magic move and videos that support instruction. I’m pleased with the updates, and I hope they increase student engagement.

Julie (@jkindred13)