2014-2015 School Year Focus (or things I’m trying this year!)

Even before the end of a school year we begin thinking about what to try for the year. Last year I was all about Interactive Notebooks (INBs), foldables, student engagement, and my Algebra 2 beginning of the year review iBook (read about it here and here). A pretty ambitious undertaking that included many ups and downs. I am planning on continuing and improving on all of last year’s goals.

So, what about this year’s plan? It really took me awhile this summer to find a clear focus. Combing educational blogs and twitter always leads to great ideas. Texting with my teacher idol, @druinok, is always inspiring. My other tweeps (or my @s) provide me with much support and ideas as well. Here is what I wish to incorporate in my classroom this year:

1. Update my AP Stats iBooks Author text. (including redoing all HW keys for accuracy).

AP Stats Text

2. Create a iBooks Author text for my Stats & Data course.

Stats & Data ebook

3. Revamp our Algebra 2 review process using an individualized online format.

4. Create a project list for AP Stats that students will choose from to complete during the semester.

5. Use checklists for my Stats & Data course. Please check out the blogs posts Life of Mrs. Riley and Restructuring Algebra.

6. Using data to form instruction more efficiently. We hired a young, new, passionate math teacher at my school this year (welcome @MathiasStout) that has a great deal of experience using data to form instruction. I plan on learning much from him this school year.

7. Formative Assessment, Formative Assessment, Formative Assessment. I read a cool article that gives many creative methods for incorporating formative assessment in our classrooms. Here is the link: “53 Ways to Check for Understanding”

8. Redo my foldables to be certain they “work”. I’m so spatially challenged!!!!

Linear Regression

Now for my “Toe Dippers” (stuff I want to just try a little bit with no pressure or stress):

1. Authentic Audiences (perhaps with my AP Stats projects)

2. Error Analysis from Life of Mrs Riley

3. Others as they present themselves.

My goal is to blog about each of these ideas in the coming days and weeks. I hope to explain my thinking and planning for each goal. I am, of course, seeking guidance and feedback. Please keep me accountable!!!! i need your help.

Thanks for reading,
